
There are certain cultural assumptions about how the family institution, which forms the basis of society, should be. Everyone has a certain role in the family institution formed by marriage and has expectations from everyone. Most of these expectations have been the same for years, but the expectations that have changed with the media recently have been the subject of our research. The media directs society in every aspect. Television, one of the most important means of communication, has formed its own society from the moment it enters our lives. Today, despite the changing age, the advancing media sector and the changing media, television is still an actor that reaches almost all segments of the society. In this study, daytime women's programs, one of the most important productions of television, will be evaluated and the Gelin Evi program which can be evaluated under the title of women's programs will be examined. The study will attempt to analyze the transformation of traditional values with the media. Gelin Evi is a competition that has been going on for four years, with women claiming to be the best bride. In the competition, brides compete on subjects such as dowry, food and decoration, and exhibit and evaluate the criteria of being a bride due to the format of the competition. Every day of the week, shots taken at another competitor's house are broadcast on the television's daytime zone and appeal to a group of female viewers who spend more time at home. The competition creates media products using traditional value judgments and these products affect traditional perceptions. The thesis that the producers transform tradition by nurturing tradition is the main basis of our study. The article tries to identify this cultural change from the Gelin Evi competition program.

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