
Most stem cell–based bone tissue engineering strategies to date yield bone through direct bone formation, which mimics intramembranous ossification. However, bone injuries often affect long bones which are formed through endochondral ossification, involving an initial cartilage template formation followed by remodeling to form bones. There remains a critical need to develop scaffolds that enhance stem cell–based bone formation through endochondral ossification with bone-mimicking mechanical strength. Here we evaluated the potential of gelatin-based microribbons (μRBs) as macroporous scaffolds for enhancing human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)–based bone formation through endochondral ossification. This material platform was compared with conventional gelatin hydrogels (HGs) as controls. MSCs were encapsulated in μRB or HG scaffolds, primed in chondrogenic medium in vitro for 2 weeks, and then implanted in a mouse subcutaneous model with no additional factors. μRB scaffolds supported fast cartilage deposition by MSCs, which was completely remodeled and replaced by mineralized bone. Impressively, the compressive moduli of MSC-seeded μRB scaffolds increased from 10 to 3224 kPa by week 11, a range that mimics native bone. In comparison, while HG supported endochondral ossification, the speed was much slower, with less matrix deposition and only a modest increase in compressive modulus to 269 kPa. These results validate gelatin μRBs as a promising scaffold for repairing long bone defects by guiding robust endochondral ossification. Natural bone development and healing occurs through two distinct pathways: intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification. Most bone injuries affect long bones, which are formed through endochondral ossification, involving an initial cartilage template formation followed by remodeling to form bones. However, scaffolds that can guide stem cell–based bone formation through endochondral ossification with bone-mimicking mechanical strength remain lacking. Here we report that macroporous gelatin-based microribbons (μRBs) accelerate endochondral ossification by human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vivo using a mouse subcutaneous model. Impressively, the mechanical properties of MSC-seeded μRB scaffolds increased over 300-fold over 11 weeks to bone-mimicking range, whereas conventional gelatin hydrogel controls reached less than 10% of the bone modulus. These results validate gelatin μRBs as a promising novel scaffold for repairing long bone defects by guiding robust endochondral ossification.

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