
The effects of starch granules on the rheological behaviour of gels of native potato and high amylopectin potato (HAPP) starches have been studied with small deformation oscillatory rheometry. The influence of granule remnants on the rheological properties of samples treated at 90 °C was evident when compared with samples treated at 140 °C, where no granule remnants were found. The presence of amylose in native potato starch gave to stronger network formation since potato starch gave higher moduli values than HAPP, after both 90 and 140 °C treatments. In addition, amylose may have strengthened the network of HAPP because higher moduli values were obtained when native potato starch was added to the system. The moduli values of the mixtures also increased with increasing polysaccharide concentration in the system, which is due to an increment in the polysaccharide chain contacts and entanglements. Finally, it was found that a mixture of commercial amylose from potato starch and HAPP resulted in lower values of G′ compared to native potato starch. This indicates that the source of amylose is important for the properties in a blend with native amylopectin.

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