
In this paper, we have demonstrated the application of a graph convolutional neural network for the purpose of object detection in a LiDAR point cloud. In order to encode the point cloud in the most time-effective manner, we make use of a near-neighbors graph with a defined radius. We create a graph convolutional neural network so that we can find out what kind of object and what class each vertex in a graph represents. We design a box merging and scoring operation to reliably combine detections from numerous vertices into a single score, and we offer an auto-registration strategy as a means of reducing the amount of translation errors that occur inside the system. According to the results of our tests using the KITTI benchmark, we are able to draw the conclusion that the method that was suggested achieves competitive accuracy with the point cloud, even beating fusion-based methods in some instances. According to the results of our research, the graph neural network has the potential to become an effective new tool for the detection of 3D objects.

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