
The changes in the surface energy fluxes calculated with a general circulation model under increased levels of carbon dioxide concentration are analyzed and related to the simulation of these fluxes under present-day conditions. It is shown that the errors in the simulated fluxes under present climate are often of similar or larger magnitude than the simulated changes of these quantities. A similar relationship may be found in climate change experiments of many GCMs. Although this does not imply that the projected changes of the fluxes are wrong, more accurate absolute values would improve confidence in GCM-simulated climate change scenarios. The global mean increase in the downward component of the longwave radiation, which is the direct greenhouse forcing at the surface, is on the order of 10 W m22 at the time of doubled carbon dioxide in a transient coupled atmosphere‐ocean scenario experiment. This is an amount similar to the underestimation of this quantity in the present-day simulations compared to surface observations. Thus, it is only with doubled carbon dioxide concentration that the simulated greenhouse forcing at the surface reaches the values observed at present. The simulated shortwave radiation budget at the surface is less affected by the increased levels of carbon dioxide than the longwave budget on the global scale. Regionally and seasonally, the changes in the incoming shortwave radiation at the surface can exceed 20 W m22, mainly due to changes in cloud amounts. The projected changes, however, are generally of smaller magnitude than the systematic errors in the control run at the majority of 720 observation sites. The positive feedback between excessive radiation and surface processes leading to excessive summer dryness and temperatures over continental surfaces in the control run is enhanced in the doubled carbon dioxide experiment, resulting in a massive increase in the projected surface temperature. In the high-resolution T106 time-slice scenario experiment performed in this study the global mean latent heat flux and associated intensity of the hydrological cycle is slightly decreased rather than increased with doubled carbon dioxide. A reduction in surface wind speed in the T106 scenario is suggested as a major factor for the reverse of sign. The improved representation of the orography with T106 resolution allows a better estimate of the projected changes of surface energy fluxes in mountain areas, as demonstrated for the European Alps.

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