
Alan Clarke was until last year a mature student doing a B.A. Honours degree at the College of Ripon and York St. John. He had very little contact with Dramatherapy but his special study, completed in his honours year, of the work and influence of the gay theatre company, Gay Sweatshop, reveals so much that is, in my view, relevant to the Dramatherapist that it can feel quite at home in our Journal. What follows are the first and last parts of his study. The complete work is much longer and goes on to examine Gay Sweatshop's second London season and after, and includes, in particular, a detailed analysis of “As Time Goes By” by Drew Griffiths and Noel Greig, mentioned in the last part below. We publish here his introduction, and his critical account of the company's first season and its first production as an autonomous group, followed by some comment on its influence. (Ed.)

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