
Baccharis illinita DC (Compositae) is used in folk medicine to treat gastric disorders. The crude hydroalcoholic extract of leaves and stems tested on mice at doses from 1.0 to 6.0 g/kg, PO, did not produce signs of toxicity. Only the aqueous extract of leaves (0.1 g/kg, PO) increased intestinal motility in mice. The crude hydroalcoholic extract of stems and leaves (HESL) protected rats against lesions induced by ethanol or restraint-in-cold. The crude aqueous extract of roots protected against ulcers induced by ethanol, indomethacin or restraint-in-cold, and the crude aqueous extract of flowers only protected against lesions induced by ethanol. When injected into the duodenal lumen, the aqueous root extract inhibited basal acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats. The results obtained in the present pharmacological assays indicate that this plant has a protective action against gastric lesions of the mucosa involving the maintenance of protective factors such as mucus, bicarbonate and blood flow, besides the reduction of gastric acid secretion.

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