
N-nitroso compounds (NOC) are strongly implicated in the causation of cancer of the stomach and it has been suggested that ascorbic acid might reduce the risk of gastric cancer by preventing their formation within gastric juice. However, until recently there have been no measurements of gastric juice ascorbic acid concentrations. We have measured both gastric juice ascorbic and total vitamin C (ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid). Our findings suggest that ascorbic acid is secreted into the gastric lumen so that gastric juice concentrations are often greater than those in plasma. Gastric pathology affects this secretion, leading to values in gastric juice that are lower than plasma levels. Stimulation of gastric secretion does not raise vitamin C concentrations in individuals whose values are initially low. The role of ascorbic acid in preventing formation of NOC and protecting against gastric cancer is discussed in the light of these findings.

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