
The ganglioside content and composition of cells obtained by enzyme digestion of 2 layers of human aortic intima were investigated. Five gangliosides were identified in cells isolated from the external musculo-elastic intimal layer adjacent to the media: GM 3, GM 1, GD 3, GD 1a, and GT 1b. The same gangliosides plus ganglioside G x, the chromatographic mobility of which corresponded to the mobility of ganglioside GD 1b from human brain, were found in cells from the internal elastic-hyperplastic intimal layer adjacent to the vessel lumen. In both layers, the major cellular ganglioside was GM 3 which represented 60% of the total cellular ganglioside content. The ganglioside content was lower in cells obtained from fatty streaks compared to cells isolated from unaffected intima. The amount of di- and trisialogangliosides in atherosclerotic plaque cells was lower, and that of monosialogangliosides higher than in cells isolated from unaffected intima. The amount of GM 3 was mainly responsible for the difference in the total ganglioside content of cells obtained from different lesion types. On the whole, cells from fatty streaks contained smaller amounts of total gangliosides, whereas cells from plaques had greater total ganglioside content, than cells from unaffected intima.

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