
Gamification in engineering education has been applied with success in the last years. Also, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are recognized as a good strategy to enhance engineering education. Nevertheless, MOOCs have two main weaknesses: first, lack of addressing personal goals; and second, low completion rates in comparison to the number of registrations to the MOOCs. To improve learning experiences in MOOCs and to strengthen self-regulated personalized learning we propose the application of gamification in MOOCs. Our assumption is that MOOC learners will better succeed in achieving their goals if they can individually personalize and plan their learning paths through gamification. This assumption is based on the implementation intention theory which claims that people who foster their goal intentions with implementation intentions are comparatively more successful in their personal goal achievements. Based on a preliminary literature review this article presents and arguments on our research idea on how to apply gamification to enhance MOOC users' goal achievement. Besides, it introduces a new perspective on MOOC completion rates based on the user intention and a new way of measuring it via the Personal Goal Achievement Ratio (PGAR) and the Overall Goal Achievement Ratio (OGAR).

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