
Introducción The world has evolved over time, and parallel to this, human beings have created a variety of resources that have radically changed all aspects in life. An example of this is Information and Communication Technologies that have made traditional society become a network society. This means that it is always connected with technology. Today, Higher Education Institutions have remained using lectures as the traditional teaching method. This is a problem since teachers spend most of the time explaining theoretical contents instead of observing the practice that students perform on the subject. These gaps that occur in the application of the teaching methodology among English teachers make students have the feeling that the classes are monotonous, and non-dynamic. This leads to discouragement and loss of motivation to learn, due to lack of interaction with their peers and teachers during class. As a final outcome causing poor performance overall that manifests itself into low grades. These are reasons that sparked interest in researching to find new innovative tools that allow the classroom environment to become more attractive, productive, and interesting. Currently, with the help of games in the educational field, the aim is to reduce lack of motivation and poor performance. This process involves in “playing”, but not in a playful way, but with a more educational approach. This is known as “Gamification.” Torres & Rodríguez (2018) define Gamification as the application of the mechanics of play situations or contexts in a non-game context. This has resulted in the proposal of incorporating Gamification as a technological tool to motivate students of the first to the third of basic education in the PINE program at Universidad Técnica de Ambato Objetivos The general objective of the study was to determine the relationship between gamification and EFL learners’ motivation. Additionally, the specific objectives were: to establish the benefits and types of gamification tools that motivate EFL learners; to identify the type of motivation of EFL learners in English lessons; and to propose the use of gamification tools to increase students’ motivation. Método The present research applied a quantitative approach. The quantitative approach involved in the aid of processing, collecting data, analyzing, interpreting, and writing down the results of the investigation to achieve the objectives. It was a descriptive and bibliographic study were a survey was designed and validated with a 0.786 that includes 24 questions. The survey was applied to a 111 students. Principales resultados The gamified game tools Kahoot, Quizlet and Wordwall have some major impact in the educational aspect for students since they are able to interact, compete, engaged and immerses themselves in dynamic activities. Ultimately what these gamified tools to is generate motivation, simplify difficult activities and the student’s progress is much more significant. The elements contained in gamified tools make the student want to improve themselves. The most noticeable game elements were cooperation and competition with 25% freedom to make mistakes with 22% and lastly progress with 17%. Having mention these three cooperation and competition make the student want to be involved in the classroom. Freedom to make mistakes allows the students to improve upon their errors. Progress motivates student to see their development. It can be determined that gamification influences students’ motivation when learning. Gamified tools catch the interest of students since it breaks boundaries of traditional learning methods by becoming an innovative tool that doesn’t exclude but allows students to be a more active participant. Conclusiones Gamification in the EFL classroom allows for the level of motivation to remain high in students due to the state of flow caused by the balance between the degree of difficulty. Most students think that time limits can help students be more alert in the class. Having to go against the clock can sometimes be frustrated, but for the most of time it can be an incentive that helps you think more quickly and allows you to be put under pressure to be more effectively.

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