
Smoking was still health major problem in the word that lead 7.1 million smoking related deaths annually. Prevalence smoking in Indonesia was fifth in the world. Based on Riskesdas in 2007 and 2010 showed an increase number of smokers from 29% - 34.7%. <strong>Methods: </strong>This is Descriptive-prospective study in 177 patients who were treated in pulmonary ward of Dr. M. Djamil Padang from November 2016 to January 31, 2017. Data were collected through interviews patients with closed questions and validated questioner. <strong>Results: </strong>This study found total 177 patients that consist of 128 (72.4%) males with an average age of 52.5 ± 15.57 SD years. History of smoking were 63 smokers (35.6%), 67 nonsmokers (37.8%) and former smokers 47 (26.5%). Smoker patients have been found most in bronchogenic carcinoma patients 24 (38%), with profile for stress 34 (54%), and the Brinkman index grade was severe. Former smokers were mostly in patients with pneumonia 11 (23.4%) and COPD 10 (21.2%). The nicotine dependence is low to moderate 13 (56.5%) in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma and low dependence 10 (53%) in TB patients. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Patients that were treated in the pulmonary ward more than third were smokers. The most common profile was for pleasure and nicotine dependence mostly low to moderate could give opportunity for educational intervention.


  • Smoking was still health major problem in the word that lead 7.1 million smoking related deaths annually

  • Based on Riskesdas in 2007 and 2010 showed an increase number of smokers from 29% - 34.7%

  • Results: This study found total 177 patients that consist of 128 (72.4%) males with an average age of 52.5 ± 15.57 SD years

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

Merokok masih merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang menyebabkan 7,1 juta kematian setiap tahun. Metode: Ini adalah studi deskriptif prospektif pada 177 pasien yang dirawat di bangsal paru Dr M. Hasil: Studi ini menemukan total 177 pasien yang terdiri dari 128 (72,4%) laki-laki dengan usia rata-rata 52,5 ± 15,57 tahun SD. Pasien perokok ditemukan paling banyak adalah pasien dengan karsinoma bronkogenik 24 (38%), dengan profil untuk stres 34 (54%), dan indeks Brinkman berat. Mantan perokok kebanyakan pada pasien dengan pneumonia 11 (23,4%) dan COPD 10 (21,2%). Ketergantungan nikotin rendah sampai sedang 13 (56,5%) pada pasien dengan karsinoma bronkogenik dan ketergantungan rendah 10 (53%) pada pasien TB. Kesimpulan: Pasien yang dirawat di bangsal paru lebih dari sepertiga adalah perokok. Profil yang paling umum adalah untuk kesenangan dan ketergantungan nikotin adalah rendah hingga sedang sehingga memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk melakukan intervensi pendidikan.

Hasil Penelitian
Pneumon PPO Asm Tuberculo bronkiekta Dan bronkogen ia
Research on Tobacco and Health Shaped
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