
Online motorcycle taxis are one of the public transportations that are currently being used more and more because they are considered effective, besides that online motorcycle taxi drivers must always be ready under any circumstances and conditions to deliver and serve consumers so that it can cause work stress both physically and psychologically (mentally). A high workload will affect the performance and productivity of online motorcycle taxis, many factors cause the high mental workload experienced by online motorcycle taxis. The purpose of this study is to describe the mental workload of online motorcycle taxi drivers in Medan City. This research is a type of descriptive research using a qualitative approach in the form of a interviews. The sample was taken, namely some online motorcycle taxi drivers in the city of Medan. The results of the study show an overview of the workload and work productivity of online motorcycle taxi drivers in Medan City which is relatively low with increasing employee productivity. It was concluded that the description of Workload with Work Productivity on Gojek Online Drivers in Medan City is relatively low so that it supports increasing work productivity for online Gojek drivers because of the motivation from the family for drivers to continue to be enthusiastic at work.c

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