
We compare the shapes and intrinsic alignments of galaxies in the MassiveBlack-II cosmological hydrodynamic simulation (MBII) to those in a dark matter-only (DMO) simulation performed with the same volume (100$h^{-1}$Mpc)$^{3}$, cosmological parameters, and initial conditions. Understanding the impact of baryonic physics on galaxy shapes and alignments and their relation to the dark matter distribution should prove useful to map the intrinsic alignments of galaxies from hydrodynamic to dark matter-only simulations. We find that dark matter subhalos are typically rounder in MBII, and the shapes of stellar matter in low mass galaxies are more misaligned with the shapes of the dark matter of the corresponding subhalos in the DMO simulation. At $z=0.06$, the fractional difference in the mean misalignment angle between MBII and DMO simulations varies from $\sim 28 \% - 12 \%$ in the mass range $10^{10.8} - 6.0 \times 10^{14} h^{-1}M_{\odot}$. We study the dark matter halo shapes and alignments as a function of radius, and find that while galaxies in MBII are more aligned with the inner parts of their dark matter subhalos, there is no radial trend in their alignments with the corresponding subhalo in the DMO simulation. This result highlights the importance of baryonic physics in determining the alignment of the galaxy with respect to the inner parts of the halo. Finally, we compare the ellipticity-direction (ED) correlation for galaxies to that for dark matter halos, finding that it is suppressed on all scales by stellar-dark matter misalignment. In the projected shape-density correlation ($w_{\delta+}$), which includes ellipticity weighting, this effect is partially canceled by the higher mean ellipticities of the stellar component, but differences of order $30-40\%$ remain on scales $> 1$ Mpc over a range of subhalo masses, with scale-dependent effects below $1$ Mpc.


  • Weak gravitational lensing is a cosmological probe that has the potential to address major outstanding cosmological problems, such as understanding the connection between dark matter and galaxies, the nature of dark energy, and exploring possible variations in the theory of gravity on cosmological scales (Albrecht et al 2006; Weinberg et al 2013)

  • We study the orientation of the stellar shape with the shape of dark matter component in MBII and dark matter-only (DMO) measured at different radii

  • Velliscig et al (2014) find an even larger suppression in their halo mass function, possibly due to a stronger AGN feedback model. This suppression of mass function can be explained by the decrease in the FOF mass of halos in MBII

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Ration et al 2009), Euclid (Laureijs et al 2011), and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST; Spergel et al 2015) will to constrain cosmological parameters such as the dark energy equation of state to a very high precision. The most basic weak lensing analysis assumes that galaxy shapes are randomly aligned, which is not correct in reality. The galaxy shapes are correlated with each other and with the underlying density field. This intrinsic alignment of galaxy shapes is an important astrophysical systematic that contaminates measurements in weak lensing surveys For reviews on intrinsic alignments and its impact on cosmological parameter constraints, see Troxel & Ishak (2014), Joachimi et al (2015), Kirk et al (2015), and Kiessling et al (2015)

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