
We measure the baryons contained in both the stellar and hot gas components for twelve galaxy clusters and groups at z~0.1 with M=1-5e14 Msun. This paper improves upon our previous work through the addition of XMM data, enabling measurements of the total mass and masses of each major baryonic component --- ICM, intracluster stars, and stars in galaxies --- for each system. We recover a relation for the stellar mass versus halo mass consistent with our previous result. We confirm that the partitioning of baryons between the stellar and hot gas components is a strong function of M500; the fractions of total mass in stars and X-ray gas within r500 scale as M500^-0.45 and M500^0.26, respectively. We also confirm that the combination of the BCG and intracluster stars is an increasingly important contributor to the stellar baryon budget in lower halo masses. We find a weak, but statistically significant, dependence of the total baryon fraction upon halo mass, scaling as M500^0.16. For M500>2e14, the total baryon fractions within r500 are on average 18% (7%) below the Universal value from the WMAP7 (Planck) analysis. For Planck, the difference between the Universal value and cluster baryon fractions is less than the systematic uncertainties associated with M500. The total baryon fractions exhibit significant scatter, particularly at M500<2e14 Msun where they range from 60-90% (65-100%) of the Universal value for WMAP7 (Planck). The ratio of the stellar-to-gas mass within r500, a measure of star formation efficiency, strongly decreases with M500. The fact that this relation remains tight at low mass implies that the larger scatter in the total baryon fractions at these masses arises from either true scatter in the total baryon content or observational scatter in M500, rather than late-time physical processes such as redistribution of gas to beyond r500. (abridged)

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