
The aim of this contribution is to bring to light a poetic composition (romance) written in the Galician language in the 18th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the text was reported, but not published, and had been missing until recently. It is part of the manuscript volume Ocios poeticos ..., a compilation of Father Feijoo’s literary papers, mostly poetic compositions of the Benedictine sage, gathered after his death. Among the objectives, it is also to discuss the arguments as regards the possible authorship and dating of the text, which comes to increase the diminished tradition of writing in Galician during the “seculos escuros” (the “dark centuries”: 16th -18th centuries). The paper presents an editing of the text and studies its language, both intrinsically and by comparison with that of the other authors of the period called Middle Galician, taking as basis the Gondomar corpus, recently opened to public consultation. We place it in the context of continuity between medieval tradition and modern results, in a perspective of variation that always combines the diachronic with the diatopic vision. The analysis of the lexicon has also allowed us to highlight on some aspects which may be interesting for the history of Galician culture. The conclusion of the current study is that the text does not belong to Father Feijoo, who should have only intervened only in the final linguistic note and, perhaps, in the marginal glosses. As regards the dating, we have placed it provisionally in the middle of the 18th century.


  • The aim of this contribution is to bring to light a poetic composition written in the Galician language in the 18th century

  • Madrygal 21 (2018): 15-31 of continuity between medieval tradition and modern results, in a perspective of variation that always combines the diachronic with the diatopic vision

  • The analysis of the lexicon has allowed us to highlight on some aspects which may be interesting for the history of Galician culture

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Os estudosos da historia da lingua e da literatura galegas deron por perdido o volume Ocios poéticos del Illmo. Cando Álvarez Blázquez (1959) fixo a súa Escolma, o volume rescatado do esquecemento por Areal estaba xa de novo perdido, polo que o ilustre polígrafo se lamenta da perda desde romance e do inútiles que foron os seus moitos esforzos para localizalo. A quen asegura que o atopou “en Perdecanay, en poder de la ama de llaves del fraile exclaustrado de la orden de los benedictinos, Fr. Bonifacio Gonzalez, quien lo heredó del Superior de la Orden, en el Convento de San Benito de Lérez”, reapareceu na biblioteca familiar dos herdeiros do editor pontevedrés José Millán, dando ocasión non só para a edición e estudo do “Pranto da frota, por unha ninfa galega” (cf Álvarez e Millán Rodríguez 2016) senón tamén para a recuperación do “Curioso romance”. Editamos o poema, estudamos as súas particularidades lingüísticas, poñemos de relevo os trazos máis interesantes para a historia da lingua galega e esbozamos un perfil, desde o punto de vista xeolectal, do seu autor anónimo[2]

O documento e o poema
As glosas marxinais
Interese para a historia da cultura
Referencias bibliográficas
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