
Asynchronous exponentially growing EL4 murine T lymphoma cells were exposed either to high LET α-radiation from 212Bi-DTPA or to γ-radiation from a 137Cs source. Radiation-induced cell cycle perturbation was studied by flow cytometry. Alpha irradiation, like γ, transiently arrested cells in the G2M phase in a dose-dependent manner. The maximum percentages of cells accumulated in G2M 18 h after α- and γ-irradiation were comparable, though the dose-response relationships differed. The “RBE” value for G2M block for α- versus γ-radiation was approx. 4. Electron microscopic studies of the cell samples where a large proportion of cells were arrested in G2M showed subcellular changes in nuclear membrane and the presence of morphologically apoptotic cells. Biochemical analysis of DNA from irradiated cells by agarose gel electrophoresis revealed more extensive DNA fragmentation for α- vs γ-irradiation, even at relatively low total doses. We conclude that the high LET radiation is more efficient in inducing G2M block and apoptosis in EL4 lymphoma cells. The overall radiosensitivity of some high and low grade malignant lymphoma cells to radiation may correlate with these processes. The clinical implications of 212Bi-induced G2M delay may be particularly important for biologically targeted high LET radiopharmaceutical therapy.

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