
We explore the non-singlet sector of matrix quantum mechanics dual to c = 1 Liouville theory. The non-singlets are obtained by adding Nf× N bi-fundamental fields in the gauged matrix quantum mechanics model as well as a one dimensional Chern-Simons term. The present model is associated with a spin-Calogero model in the presence of an external magnetic field. In chiral variables, the low energy excitations-currents satisfy an SU {left(2{N}_fright)}_{tilde{k}} Kăc-Moody algebra at large N. We analyse the canonical partition function as well as two and four point correlation functions, discuss a Gross-Witten-Wadia phase transition at large N, Nf and study different limits of the parameters that allow us to recover the matrix model of Kazakov-Kostov-Kutasov conjectured to describe a two dimensional black hole. The grand canonical partition function is a τ- function obeying discrete soliton equations. We finally conjecture a possible dynamical picture for the formation of a black hole in terms of condensation of long-strings in the strongly coupled region of the Liouville direction.


  • The duality between the singlet sector of gauged Matrix Quantum Mechanics (MQM) and c = 1 Liouville theory is long known to provide a very powerful complementary description of the physics of this low-dimensional version of string theory

  • We explored a model that captures the physics of non singlet sectors of matrix quantum mechanics dual to c = 1 Liouville theory

  • The field content of the model is a N × N matrix that transforms in the adjoint of SU(N ) which describes the dynamics of N unstable ZZ branes and Nf ×N fundamental and anti-fundamental fields that describe the dynamics of open strings streched between the ZZ and FZZT branes

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This allows a complete characterisation of the specific MQM non-singlet representations that are activated due to the extra dynamical bi-fundamental fields. In addition our analysis of the grand canonical partition function in subsection 5.4 and appendix F, shows that one can define a complex string coupling parameter through the combination μ + ik (k is a Chern-Simons level in the MQM side), that takes into account fluxes sourced by the FZZT branes This concludes our preliminary connection between matrix model and Liouville theory/ FZZT brane parameters. We discuss the relevant constraints in appendix E, but leave as a future work the task to solve them in conjuction with the discrete soliton equations

The matrix model
Canonical ensemble
Partition function and symmetric polynomials
Correlation functions at finite temperature
Generating functional
Two-point function
Four-point function OTOC
Liouville theory and long strings
Cylinder partition function
Matching parameters and limit of the two dimensional black hole
The τ -function and integrable hierarchies
Chiral variables
Currents and collective field theory
Relation between ZZ and FZZT
B Functional determinants
C Partitions and symmetric polynomials
Characters and Schur polynomials
D Canonical ensemble and symmetric polynomials
E Virasoro constraints
F Integrable hierarchies
Fermionic algebra
Hirota equations
G Kernel in the energy basis
H Orthonormal Mathieu
Full Text
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