
The condensation of a two-dimensional kagomé lattice gas having purely three-particle interactions is first theoretically investigated. The Hamiltonian Hℓg=−∈3Σ<i, j, k> ninjnk, where ∈3>0 is the strength. parameter of the short-range attractive triplet interaction, the sum is taken over all elementary triangles of the kagomé lattice, and nℓ=0, 1 is an idempotent site-occupation number. The method initially involves transforming the lattice-gas model into a generalized kagomé Ising model having both pair and triplet interactions as well as a magnetic field. Since the canonical partition function of a generalized kagomé Ising model is equivalent (aside from known prefactors) to the canonical partition function of a standard honeycomb Ising model in a magnetic field, one can deduce the exact liquid-vapor phase diagrams of the triplet-interaction kagomé lattice gas from its grand canonical partition function. As results, the liquid-vapor phase boundary (reduced chemical potential μ/∈3 vs reduced temperature T/Tc) is found to be curvilinear with a positive slope, originating at zero temperature with μ/∈3=−2/3 and analytic at its terminating critical point whose coordinates are T/Tc=1, μc/∈3=−0.64469…, where ∈3/kBTc=3.96992…. The companion coexistence curve (particle number density ρ vs. reduced temperature T/Tc) exhibits an asymmetric rounded shape with a positive-slope curvilinear diameter, and the value of the critical density ρc=0.58931…. At criticality, the expression for the coexistence curve superposes a pair of branch point singularities resulting in an infinite (vertical) slope at the critical point (T/Tc=ρ/ρc=1). The case of a kagomé lattice gas having mixed attractive pair interactions and very weak repulsive triplet interactions (Axilrod-Teller) is next considered. Perturbation analyses upon exact expressions relating to the phase diagrams reveal, over chosen ranges of reduced temperatures, that the phase boundary and the diameter of the two-phase coexistence region each have a negative slope due to the repulsive three-particle interactions.

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