
The study area is located ~50 km in the north of Tehran capital city, Iran, and is a part of central Alborz Mountain. The intrusive bodies aged post Eocene have intruded in the Eocene volcanic units causing hydrothermal alterations in these units. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images were used to map hydrothermal alteration zones. The propylitic, phyllic and argillic alteration and iron oxide minerals identified using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) method. Structural lineaments were extracted from ASTER images by applying automatic lineament extraction processes and visual interpretations. An exploration model was considered based on previous studies, and appropriate evidence maps were generated, weighted and reclassified. Ore Forming Potential (OFP) map was generated by applying Fuzzy SUM operator on alteration and Pb, Cu, Ag, and Au geochemical anomaly maps. Finally, Host rock, geological structures and OFP were combined using Fuzzy Gamma operator (γ ) to produce mineral prospectivity map. Eventually, the conceptual model discussed here, fairly demonstrated the known hydrothermal gold deposits in the study area and could be a source for future detailed explorations.

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