
Because of its environmental benefits, PV technology is widely used in several applications. It presents an alternative solution for isolated sites that does not dispose a grid connection. However, it has drawbacks, its intermittent character, due to its dependency on meteorological parameters such as the outside temperature and solar irradiation. The produced energy can be more or less than the load requirement. This paper presents an intelligent strategy management between photovoltaic station owners. It can be involved as follow between two customers: the photovoltaic installation production of the first customer is higher than its load requirement; however, the neighboring station has a lack of energy to cover its load. In this case, it brings energy from station 1 to cover the insufficiency and vice versa. The batteries intervene neither, if the required energy cannot be provided by the local and the neighbored stations, nor, to store the excess power. The dual standalone photovoltaic system was created using MATLAB Simulink environment. The proposed management algorithm is based on FLC. The Mamdani is one of the widely known fuzzy inference system. It ensures continuous energy delivery to the load while minimizing wasted power. The outcomes of the simulation demonstrate the previously mentioned controller effectiveness between standalone PV systems.

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