
This chapter explores the need for research to further refine the Developmental, Ecological, Problem-solving approach and the field’s understanding of best practices in supervision. A multifaceted research agenda must examine the practice of clinical supervision in the context of best practices in school psychology. The overarching goal is to define effective supervisory competencies and practices and establish best practices for training supervisors. It must take into account supervisee development, client outcomes, the impact of a theoretically sound yet pragmatic supervision model, the influence of specific methods and supervisory processes, and fidelity to current empirically supported practices. Research agendas must pay attention to diversity within the supervisory relationship, how diversity, equity, and inclusion are addressed in supervision, and ways to increase the availability and access to supervision. Research will be needed to operationalize and map supervisory strategies and processes. Qualitative and mixed methods research tools will be required to incorporate diverse data sources into an initial research foundation for supervision within school psychology. Heightened focus and dialogue about supervisory practice can be a springboard to refine best practices in supervision, ensure quality preparation for the next generation of school psychologists, and enhance clinical support for psychologists at every level of experience.

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