
Robotic Path planning is one of the most studied problems in the field of robotics. The problem has been solved using numerous statistical, soft computing and other approaches. In this paper we solve the problem of robotic path planning using a combination of A* algorithm and Fuzzy Inference. The A* algorithm does the higher level planning by working on a lower detail map. The algorithm finds the shortest path at the same time generating the result in a finite time. The A* algorithm is used on a probability based map. The lower level planning is done by the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The FIS works on the detailed graph where the occurrence of obstacles is precisely known. The FIS generates smoother paths catering to the non-holonomic constraints. The results of A* algorithm serve as a guide for FIS planner. The FIS system was initially generated using heuristic rules. Once this model was ready, the fuzzy parameters were optimized using a Genetic Algorithm. Three sample problems were created and the quality of solutions generated by FIS was used as the fitness function of the GA. The GA tried to optimize the distance from the closest obstacle, total path length and the sharpest turn at any time in the journey of the robot. The resulting FIS was easily able to plan the path of the robot. We tested the algorithm on various complex and simple paths. All paths generated were optimal in terms of path length and smoothness. The robot was easily able to escape a variety of obstacles and reach the goal in an optimal manner.

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