
Mechanism of pollination, attachment of pollinia with various body parts of insect visitors of order hymenoptera and lepidoptera and their role in pollination of a few asclepiads, viz. Asclepias curassavica L., Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br, Wattakaka volubilis (L.) Stapf. Leptadenia reticulata R.Br., Sarcostemma (Oxystelma) secamone (L.) Bennett. and Pergularia daemia (Forsk) Blatt. has been discussed. However, autophily by insu germination of Pollinia in three genera, viz., Hemidesmus indicus Br. Gymnema sylvestre Br. and Tylophora hirsuta (Burm f.) Merr. has been reported for the first time in family Asclepiadaceae.

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