
Conflicting reports are found in the literature about the efficacy of Mirazid® (MZ), which is a special formulation of myrrh obtained from the stem of Commiphora molmol (Nees), Engl. tree (Burseraceae), as an antischistosomal drug. This initiated the present study to further assess this drug in experimental schistosomiasis hematobium. The drug was administered orally to hamsters infected with Schistosoma hematobium () using 500 mg/kg body weight for six successive days on an empty stomach. The drug effect was examined after three periods: 4, 8 and 12 weeks post-treatment. Emphasis was given to certain parameters such as change in worm load, number of ova/mg tissue, oogram pattern and number of ova/g stool, and tegumental changes in the worms by electron microscopy after prolonged observation periods. The results showed very slight 3.4% worm reduction by MZ after the longest evaluation period (12 weeks), versus very high reduction (100%) by the reference drug praziquantel (PZQ). In comparison with the untreated control no change was found in the number of ova/mg tissue in MZ-treated hamsters regardless of the date of observation (4-12 weeks), versus significantly high reduction (99.6%) observed in the case of PZQ treatment. However, a significant decrease (22%) in the ratio of immature and increase in dead ova in tissues of MZ-treated hamsters was obvious at 12 weeks post treatment. In MZ-treated animals, a slight reduction (18.3%) in the number of stool eggs versus absence of eggs in PZQ-treated animals 12 weeks after treatment. Scanning electron microscopic examination of S. hematobium worms revealed intact tubercles, spines and sensory bulbs and no effect of the ventral side after MZ treatment. Meanwhile, PZQ treatment revealed extensive disruption of the tegument worm. Therefore, this experimental study gives extra support to previously reported negative evaluation about the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of schistosomiasis against many other published positive results. This controversy about the efficacy of MZ may be attributed to inconsistency of its material which is obtained from natural origin.

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