
The effect of litter type and incubation temperature on the ability of fungi to decompose leaf litter of subalpine trees was examined by a pure-culture test. Mass loss of Abies needle and Betula leaf litter and utilization patterns of lignin and carbohydrates were investigated under two temperature conditions (20 C and 10 C) and compared for 29 species in basidiomycetes, ascomycetes and zygomycetes. The decomposing ability was generally higher in basidiomycetes than in ascomycetes and zygomycetes. Mass loss (% original mass) of litter was higher in Betula than in Abies and higher at 20 C than at 10 C. The 29 fungi were divided into lignocellulose decomposers, cellulose decomposers and sugar fungi based on their substrate utilization in Abies and Betula litter. Mass loss of lignin and carbohydrates by lignocellulose and cellulose decomposers was higher in Betula than in Abies. Mass loss of carbohydrates was higher at 20 C than at 10 C, but the temperature did not influence mass loss of lignin, indicating lignin decomposition by fungi was less sensitive to temperature than carbohydrate decomposition. Lignin/carbohydrate loss ratio (L/C) of Collybia spp. that caused selective delignification was lower at 20 C than at 10 C. These results indicate that the decomposability of litter, lignin and carbohydrate was different between Abies and Betula and that temperature affected not only the rate at which fungi decompose litter but also the ability of fungi to use lignin and carbohydrates.

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