
ABSTRACT Two new species, Chalciporus rubrostipitatus and Tylopilus purpureus, are proposed from India based on morphological and molecular data. Chalciporus rubrostipitatus is characterized by basidiomata having purplish red to reddish pileus with subtomentose to rugose surface, whitish pileal context, round to angular pores, and reddish orange to red stipe, which is pruinose toward the apex. Tylopilus purpureus produces basidiomata having a purple to vinaceous purple pileus, whitish pore surface that changes to reddish brown on bruising, and a minutely pubescent purplish stipe. Morphological descriptions and comparisons, taxonomic keys, and results of phylogenetic analyses using sequences of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer), 28S (28S rRNA), and RPB2 (second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II) gene regions are presented.

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