
Radial face seals generally speak ing operate under full hydroflynmnic lub ricatinq conditions, 'JU t tk e m echa ni sm of lubrication i s not completely understood. I n a primarily ex peri mental i nres ti qation the auth or has attempted to establish a description of the basic lubricati nq m echanism. i n radial [nr« seals. Th e ex perime ntal ap para tus and mcusurinq techniques are IJriejl y described. . Th e ex perimental results dis play a high degree of reproducibili ty . D yn am ic measu rem ents oj fi lm thickness reveal fluct uations at twice shajt speed f requency that are concluded to be due to surf ace WIl1'i­ ness. Thi s conclus ion is corroborated by the topograph y of the scaling [aces. A t consta nt geom etry the friction coefficien t and film thick ness appear to depend on two dimensionless numbers incorporati nq: average fa ce pressure, seali n g pressur e, viscos'ity and speed. A sim plified theory that lakes i nto accoun t the macrorouqhness of the seali n g f aces shows close correlatio n wi th the ex perimental daia obtai ned. H avin g obtained a strong indica tio n that macrorouqhnees of the seali nq fa ces is the pri me fa ctor causing lu brica tio n, II f ew practical con .~ equences are di scussn] ,

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