
Tactile displays have been widely studied for many decades. Although multiple tactile stimuli are more effective to improve the quality of the presented tactile sensation, most tactile displays provide a single tactile stimulus. An integrated tactile display with electrovibration and electrical stimuli is proposed herein. It is expected that vibrational friction, pressure and vibration can be presented at the same time through the tactile display. Also, these stimuli only require electrodes for stimulation. Therefore, the tactile display can be easily miniaturized and densely arrayed on a substrate. In this study, a tactile display is designed and fabricated using the micro-fabrication process. Furthermore, the display is evaluated. First, the relationship between a single stimulus and the perception is investigated. The electrovibration and electrical stimuli have a frequency dependence on perception. Second, whether the multiple stimuli with the electrovibration and electrical stimuli are perceivable by the subjects is also evaluated. The results indicate that the multiple tactile stimuli are perceivable by the subjects. Also, the possibility that the electrovibration and electrical stimuli affect each other is confirmed.


  • Tactile displays provide a tactile stimulus to users and have been widely studied for several decades to improve the quality of a presented tactile sensation and their applications

  • We experimentally evaluated the minimal values of the voltage for the electrovibration stimulus and the current for the electrical stimulus to reveal the minimal stimulus conditions and the trends of the perception with the fabricated tactile display

  • We evaluated the relationship between the single stimulus and the perception with the designed electrodes

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Tactile displays provide a tactile stimulus to users and have been widely studied for several decades to improve the quality of a presented tactile sensation and their applications. Strong and Troxel developed an electrovibration tactile display based on frictional force modulation with an electrostatic force between a sliding finger pad and an electrode [12]. Pyo et al developed an integrated tactile display with an electrode for the electrovibration stimulus and an electrostatic vibrator [20]. On the surface of the tactile display, electrodes for the electrical stimulus were provided. The user can perceive both electrical and electrovibration stimuli, by sliding the finger pad on the proposed tactile display. TThhee rreemmaaiinniinngg pphhoottoorreessiisstt wwaass ddiissssoollvveedd tthhrroouugghh hhyyddrroollyyssiiss wwiitthh ssuullffuurriicc aacciidd,, aass sshhoowwnn iinnFFiigguurree44cc. TThhee aavveerraaggee ccuurrrreenntt iinnccrreeaassee//ddeeccrreeaassee wwaass 00..002255 mmAA//pprreessssiinngg. FFiigguurree6.6.(a()aS)chSecmheamticaitlilcusitlrlautsitornatoiof tnheoefxpthereimeexnptearlismeteunpta. l(bs)eAtucptu. a(lbp)hoAtocgturaapl hpohfothtoegerxappehrimofentthael seextpuepr.im(ce)nAtacltusaeltupph.ot(ocg) rAapcthuoafl tphheoetxopgeraripmhenotf. t(hde) Eelxepcterroimdeencot.nn(de)ctEiolnecftorordtheeceolnecntercictiaolnstifmorultuhse eevleaclturaictaiol nst.im(eu)luEsleecvtarloudaetioconn. n(ee)cEtiloenctrfoodr ethceonenleeccttrioonvifborrattihoenesleticmtruovluibsreavtiaolnuasttiiomnu.lu(sf)evEalelucatrtoiodne. c(fo)nEnleeccttiroondfeocrotnhneemctuioltnipfloerstthime mului letvipaleuasttiiomnu. li evaluation

Evaluation for a Single Tactile Stimulus
Evaluation for Multiple Tactile Stimuli
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