
The non-perturbative formulation of Quantumchromodynamics (QCD) on a four dimensional space-time Euclidean lattice together with the finite size techniques enable us to perform the renormalization of the QCD parameters non-perturbati-vely. In order to obtain precise predictions from lattice QCD, one needs to include the dynamical fermions into lattice QCD simulations. We consider QCD with two and four mass degenerate flavors of O(a) improved Wilson quarks. In this thesis, we improve the existing determinations of the fundamental parameters of two and four flavor QCD. In four flavor theory, we compute the precise value of the Lambda parameter in the units of the scale Lmax defined in the hadronic regime. We also give the precise determination of the Schroedinger functional running coupling in four flavour theory and compare it to the perturbative results. The Monte Carlo simulations of lattice QCD within the Schroedinger Functional framework were performed with a platform independent program package Schroedinger Funktional Mass Preconditioned Hybrid Monte Carlo (SF-MP-HMC), developed as a part of this project. Finally, we compute the strange quark mass and the Lambda parameter in two flavour theory, performing a well-controlled continuum limit and chiral extrapolation. To achieve this, we developed a universal program package for simulating two flavours ofWilson fermions, Mass PreconditionedHybrid Monte Carlo (MP-HMC), which we used to run large scale simulations on small lattice spacings and on pion masses close to the physical value.

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