
We consider a metrology scenario in which qubit-like probes are used to sense an external field that affects their energy splitting in a linear fashion. Following the frequency estimation approach in which one optimizes the state and sensing time of the probes to maximize the sensitivity, we provide a systematic study of the attainable precision under the impact of noise originating from independent bosonic baths. Specifically, we invoke an explicit microscopic derivation of the probe dynamics using the spin-boson model with weak coupling of arbitrary geometry. We clarify how the secular approximation leads to a phase-covariant (PC) dynamics, where the noise terms commute with the field Hamiltonian, while the inclusion of non-secular contributions breaks the PC. Moreover, unless one restricts to a particular (i.e., Ohmic) spectral density of the bath modes, the noise terms may contain relevant information about the frequency to be estimated. Thus, by considering general evolutions of a single probe, we study regimes in which these two effects have a non-negligible impact on the achievable precision. We then consider baths of Ohmic spectral density yet fully accounting for the lack of PC, in order to characterize the ultimate attainable scaling of precision when N probes are used in parallel. Crucially, we show that beyond the semigroup (Lindbladian) regime the Zeno limit imposing the 1/N3/2 scaling of the mean squared error, recently derived assuming PC, generalises to any dynamics of the probes, unless the latter are coupled to the baths in the direction perfectly transversal to the frequency encoding—when a novel scaling of 1/N7/4 arises. As our microscopic approach covers all classes of dissipative dynamics, from semigroup to non-Markovian ones (each of them potentially non-phase-covariant), it provides an exhaustive picture, in which all the different asymptotic scalings of precision naturally emerge.


  • Quantum metrology is a rapidly evolving research field with a potential to soon become a commercial technology [1, 2]

  • Even with the preparation of entangled probes, one unavoidably recovers the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) scaling, no matter how weak the dephasing is, with at most a constant factor of improvement. While this analysis was dedicated to a specific initial preparation and measurement, it was afterwards extended to arbitrary preparations and measurements and other kinds of semigroup dynamics [27, 28, 34]: in the presence of pure dephasing, spontaneous emission, depolarization and loss, if one considers independent and identical noise and the dynamics is given by a semigroup, the asymptotic scaling is unavoidably bounded to the SQL

  • We have exploited a detailed analysis of the spin-boson model, which is a general, well-known and widely used noise model, to investigate how the ultimate achievable limits to frequency estimation are affected by the different microscopic features of the interaction between the quantum probes and their environment

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May 2018

J F Haase, A Smirne, J Kołodyński , R Demkowicz-Dobrzański and S F Huelga. Keywords: noisy quantum metrology, open quantum systems, microscopic derivation, ultimate estimation precision limits. Following the frequency estimation approach in which attribution to the author(s) and the title of one optimizes the state and sensing time of the probes to maximize the sensitivity, we provide a the work, journal citation and DOI. Systematic study of the attainable precision under the impact of noise originating from independent bosonic baths. Unless one restricts to a particular (i.e., Ohmic) spectral density of the bath modes, the noise terms may contain relevant information about the frequency to be estimated. We consider baths of Ohmic spectral density yet fully accounting for the lack of PC, in order to characterize the ultimate attainable scaling of precision when N probes are used in parallel. As our microscopic approach covers all classes of dissipative dynamics, from semigroup to non-Markovian ones (each of them potentially non-phase-covariant), it provides an exhaustive picture, in which all the different asymptotic scalings of precision naturally emerge

Noisy quantum frequency estimation
Frequency estimation task as a quantum channel estimation protocol
PC versus NPC dynamics
Spin-boson model: weak-coupling master equation and secular approximation
Second-order TCL master equation
Solutions in the high-temperature regime
Single-qubit quantum Fisher information
N-probe quantum Fisher information and achievable metrological limits
Asymptotic scaling of the ultimate estimation precision
Ohmic spectral density
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