
In the political background of the first half of the XX-th century, the king was perceived, in Romanian context, as a providential personage, a rescuer for the great problems the Romanian society was confronted to. The king’s perception decomposes into different variants according to the qualities of his real and symbolic person. The two representations of him, the real one the divine one, are retrieved in public opinion. Those are the first representation in the folklore imaginary. The king is a godlike person, a master and he has qualities that assessors themselves already give to him rescuer, retriever, sacrificer, thaumaturge, judge, warier etc.It is important that the Romanian perception of the king is related to the European perceptions of the emperors, for instance the German one. The peasants of Dioşti perceived, first, the image of Carol II as a rescuer and then other specific representations occur strategist, crusader, triumphal, judge and as the highest quality he was regarded as “pater patriae”.

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