
The research deals with the essence of text-forming aspects of structural types of secondary nomination in French poetic texts. The aesthetic directions of development of French culture of the XVII century are described. It is assumed that in the French literature of the period of Preciosity in the basis of secondary nominative activity rest cognitive mechanisms of knowledge of contemporary realities and their styling in art speech of the authors of the mentioned times. For the disclosure of cognitive-pragmatic mechanisms of secondary nomens to denote objects of reality, displayed in French precious literature, a comprehensive methodology has been developed that was proved effective in determination of structural-semantic types of secondary nomination with their varieties and performance in the works of Pierre de Marbeuf, Vincent Voiture, Claude de Malleville, Madeleine de Scudéry. A new criterion for the typification of secondary units according to their belonging to the grammatical or lexical-semantic level of the language has been proposed. Structural types of secondary nomination (grammatical anaphora) relate to the grammatical process of repetition of a word, phrase, or syntagm using a secondary nomen (anaphora). Pronoun, noun, adjectival, adverbial, verbal (simple, complex) and propositional structural types of secondary nomens are traced out. They are classified into such kinds as exact, inexact, conceptual, divergent, associative and zero ones. The semantic types of the secondary nomination are united by the common principle of creation: associative thinking and expressive-figurative content. Among them stand out the stylistic anaphora, metaphor (announced/explicit, direct/pure, developed, proportional, dead, contextual), metonymy and periphrasis.A lexical analysis of specific types of secondary nouns, such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verb anaphors and their varieties in the poetry of the brightest representatives of the Precision period is also presented. The functions and purpose of the use of the studied means by the mentioned authors are clarified.

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