Quite often failure rate figures or Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) figures are used as a figure of merit to describe the reliability of electronic circuits. These figures are a means to indicate a circuit’s failure probability. For many applications not only the question when a circuit will fail is important but also the question what will happen when a circuit fails. Therefore a more detailed analysis is required. This paper describes such an analysis applied to a HCS MagVote safeguarding system**This paper describes the results of a research project carried out at Twente University of Technology, dept. Electronics, Enschede, the Netherlands on behalf of HCS Industrial Safeguarding B.V., Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. MagVote and MagLog are trademarks of HCS Industrial Safeguarding B.V.. This is, due to the nature of safeguarding systems, a system where failure consequences are extremely important.The first part of this paper describes the used analysis methods, the second part describes the structural concepts of the MagVote system, the third part describes details about part failure modes and failure effects, especially failures related to the used random logic (PLCs). The fourth and last part describes the actual analysis and the analysis results.
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