
The article summarizes the functional characteristics of the network-centric ontographic information system (NOIS) for the needs of structural units of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces as an effective tool to support decision-making. During the research further development the principle of using cognitive information technology to create such an information system, solved tasks to determine the functional characteristics of special software, chose a structural scheme of the information system, which ensures their implementation, and formed the basic requirements for NOIS. The principles of NOIS creation and prospects for further development of the information system are studied. It is determined that the tasks of structuring and classification of information, including that which has signs of incompleteness, fragmentation, etc., as well as the tasks of further synthesis of guiding documents are of special importance in the process of formation of reasonable decisions. The method of recursive reduction for structuring and for formation of ontologies of information used for substantiation of decision - making is investigated. The functional characteristics of NOIS are proposed to be implemented using a technological platform that has a component architecture of cognitive services. A variant of the structural scheme of the special purpose NOIS is proposed, which takes into account the specifics of information resources and features of the information processing circuit to support decision-making. The obtained results can be used during the development of a draft project of a network-centric ontographic information system, which will increase the efficiency and validity of decision-making by commanders of various units of the Naval Forces during operations (combat operations).

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