
The article considers indicators of the quality of professional education of future workers in the oil and gas industry, the development of which is determined by the state of training. The need to study them for further specifcation is related to the fact that quality has a dynamic characteristic: its content is transformed in accordance with the needs of the state, society and specifc industries. Accordingly, the presence of indicators is the basis for an objective assessment of the quality of professional education, including future workers in the oil and gas industry. As a result of the analysis of scientifc literature, the author comes to the conclusion that there are four relevant aspects of indicators of the quality of professional education. The frst is their focus on educational results that are of priority importance in the employment of graduates. The second is characterized by the following specifcs: inclusion in the content of indicators of labor market requirements. The third aspect is characterized by the fact that in the process of developing indicators of the quality of professional education, it is necessary to take into account the specifcs of specifc professional activities, in particular, future workers in the oil and gas industry. The fourth aspect is the need for indicators to meet the requirements of regulatory documents regulating both educational and future professional activities of graduates: educational and professional standards. In this regard, the priorities of the educational organization that meet the requirements of educational or professional standards are determined. The main indicator of the quality of secondary vocational education is presented by the author in the indicators of achievement of competencies corresponding to the labor functions of the professional standard. The competence of the future oil and gas industry worker is characterized, in turn, as external and internal readiness to perform labor actions and operations. Methods for developing quality indicators are proposed: the frst combines the requirements of educational and professional standards, the second is based on the requirements of the professional standard.

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