
In broadcast encryption system certain users may leak their decryption keys to build pirate decoders, so traitor tracing is quite necessary. There exist many codes based traitor tracing schemes. As pointed out by Billet and Phan in ICITS 2008, these schemes lack revocation ability. The ability of revocation can disable identified malicious users and users who fail to fulfill the payments, so that the broadcast encryption system can be more practical. Recently, Zhao and Li presented a construction of codes based tracing and revoking scheme which achieves user revocation as well as traitor tracing. However, their scheme is only secure against chosen plaintext attacks under selective-adversary model with random oracle. In this paper, we obtain a new construction of codes based tracing and revoking scheme which is proved secure against chosen ciphertext attacks under adaptive-adversary model without random oracle. Our idea is to insert codeword into Boneh and Hamburgs identity based broadcast encryption scheme to retain the ability of user revocation and use Boneh and Naors method to trace traitors. Our fully secure scheme is roughly as efficient as Zhao and Lis scheme while the security is enhanced.

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