
We present a class of exact cosmological solutions of the low energy string effective action in the presence of a homogeneous magnetic fields. We discuss the physical properties of the obtained (fully anisotropic) cosmologies paying particular attention to their vacuum limit and to the possible isotropization mechanisms. We argue that quadratic curvature corrections are able to isotropize fully anisotropic solutions whose scale factors describe accelerated expansion. Moreover, the degree of isotropization grows with the duration of the string phase. We follow the fate of the shear parameter in a decelerated phase where, dilaton, magnetic fields and radiation fluid are simultaneously present. In the absence of any magnetic field a long string phase immediately followed by radiation is able to erase large anisotropies. Conversely, if a short string phase is followed by a long dilaton dominated phase the anisotropies can be present, in principle, also at later times. The presence of magnetic seeds after the end of the string phase can induce further anisotropies which can be studied within the formalism reported in this paper.

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