
We investigate the possibility of a dark energy universe emerging from an action with higher-order string loop corrections to Einstein gravity in the presence of a massless dilaton. These curvature corrections (up to $R^4$ order) are different depending upon the type of (super)string model which is considered. We find in fact that Type II, heterotic, and bosonic strings respond differently to dark energy. A dark energy solution is shown to exist in the case of the bosonic string, while the other two theories do not lead to realistic dark energy universes. Detailed analysis of the dynamical stability of the de-Sitter solution is presented for the case of a bosonic string. A general prescription for the construction of a de-Sitter solution for the low-energy (super)string effective action is also indicated. Beyond the low-energy (super)string effective action, when the higher-curvature correction coefficients depend on the dilaton, the reconstruction of the theory from the universe expansion history is done with a corresponding prescription for the scalar potentials.

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