
espanolEs poco frecuente encontrar tras los traumas penetrantes de region facial, dano a la glandula parotidea y conducto de Stenon lesionados de manera importante. Armas, contusiones, lesiones iatrogenicas secundarias a procedimientos quirurgicos son las causas mas comunes.Se presento paciente varon de 24 anos con clinica de un mes y medio de evolucion, aproximadamente, caracterizado por sufrir un traumatismo en el angulo mandibular derecho con una viga, que posteriormente dano y provoco una dilatacion sacular del conducto de Stenon, que evoluciono a fistula del mismo, al que se realizo una cirugia de exploracion cervical y cierre de fistula salival y reseccion de la dilatacion sacular, obtuvo manejo quirurgico debido a la magnitud del dano y el tiempo transcurrido, en contraste a los nuevos planteamientos conservadores en el cual se administra antisialagogos y se promueve el cierre de la herida de manera conservadora. EnglishIt’s less frequent to find before penetrating trauma to the facial region injuries to the parotid gland and Stenon duct importantly. The common causes can be weapons, contusions, iatrogenic injuries secondary to surgical procedures.Was presented a 24-year-old male patient with a clinical case of one and a half months of evolution approximately, characterized by suffering a trauma in the right mandibular angle with a beam that later was subsequently damaged and caused a sacular dilation of the Stenon conduct, which evolved to fistula of the same, who has to be performed cervical exploration surgery and salivary fistula closure and resection of the sacular dilation are performed. Obtained surgical management due to the magnitude of the damage and the time elapsed, in contrast to the new conservative approaches in which antisialogogues are administered and the closing of the wound is conservatively controlled.

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