
This paper examines the evolution of emotion intensity in dialogs occurring on Twitter between customer support representatives and clients (“users”). We focus on a single emotion type— frustration, modelling the user's level of frustration (on scale of 0 to 4) for each dialog turn and attempting to predict change of intensity from turn to turn, based on the text of turns from both dialog participants. As the modelling data, we used a subset of the Kaggle Customer Support on Twitter dataset annotated with per-turn frustration intensity ratings. For the modelling, we used a machine learning classifier for which dialog turns were represented by specifically selected bags of words. Since in our experimental setup the prediction classes (i.e., ratings) are not independent, to assess the classification quality, we examined different levels of accuracy imprecision tolerance. We showed that for frustration intensity prediction of actual dialog turns we can achieve a level of accuracy significantly higher than a statistical baseline. However we found that, as the intensity of user’s frustration tends to be stable across turns of the dialog, customer support turns have only a very limited immediate effect on the customer's level of frustration, so using the additional information from customer support turns doesn't help to predict future frustration level.

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