
Fruit and seed characteristics among selected Parkia biglobosa (JACQ) G. Don. Population *Olorunmaiye, K.S1, Fatoba, P.O1, Adeyemi, Oreoluwa.C.1 and Olorunmaiye, P. M2 1 Department of Plant Biology University of Ilorin, Nigeria 2 Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria *Corresponding author: ksolorunmaiye@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Fruit Characteristics (pod length, number of pod per bunch, pulp and seed weight, pulp weight and pod breadth), Seed Characteristics (number of seed per bunch, expected seed number per pod and seed weight per bunch), and Qualitative Characteristics of seeds (seed colour, shape, size and texture) of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq) G. Don population were investigated in this study. Twenty six (26) P. biglobosa population were sampled at the permanent site of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, in May 2010 and fruits were collected from these populations for study. Pulp and seeds were removed manually from the dry brown indehiscent pods by using hand to break the pods along their sutures and de-pulping was done by manual washing with hands in water. There were significant differences (at P=0.05) among the fruit and seed characteristics of 26 populations of P. biglobosa investigated. Five (5) plants showed high pod number per bunch with 20 pods and above while long pod lengths were observed in seventeen (17) plants. Two (2) plants have narrow pointed tip pods (apex) and four (4) plants with broad pod breadth. One (1) plant has its apex size similar to its base (1.53cm). Seventeen (17) plants were observed to have more than 100seeds per bunch while, only one plant was noticed to exhibit wrinkled seed coat, the fifteen (15) plants had flat oval seeds. Two (2) plants had pure black seed coat and twenty four (24) had brownish seed coat colours. Larger percent of the plants have medium seed size, five (5) plants have small seed size and others are of big size.

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