
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to compare the frost resistance of composite and conventional gas concretes. The comparative analysis includes a theoretical substantiation of the ice formation and the frost resistance of composite and conventional gas concretes in freeze-thaw conditions. Methodology/materials: Cellular and polymer-hydrophobizated concretes are used in the experiment which includes frost-resistance tests of cellular concrete and studies of its structure modification. The obtained results on the abovementioned concretes are compared with those of traditional concretes. It is shown that the ice formation and movement observed in pores and capillaries of polymer-hydrophobizated concretes occur in absolutely different ways. Research findings: Since the frost resistance is one of key factors of the durability of constructional materials, the use of water soluble polymers allows creating a composite structure of cell walls in gas concrete which manifests a high dynamic strength. The flexibility of cell walls increases the strength properties of concrete, its frost resistance and flexure strength. Hydrophobic properties of polymer-hydrophobizated concretes lower the water absorption. Practical implications: The proposed composition of composite gas concrete can be recommended for large-scale implementation in construction industry. Value: Water soluble polymers have a positive effect on the hydration process of the cement binder, namely it retains water in the concrete structure, thereby hardening the material and exerting a synergism effect.


  • The aim of this paper is to compare the frost resistance of composite and conventional gas concretes

  • The comparative analysis includes a theoretical substantiation of the ice formation and the frost resistance of composite and conventional gas concretes in freeze-thaw conditions

  • Methodology/materials: Cellular and polymer-hydrophobizated concretes are used in the experiment which includes frost-resistance tests of cellular concrete and studies of its structure modification

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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to compare the frost resistance of composite and conventional gas concretes. Research findings: Since the frost resistance is one of key factors of the durability of constructional materials, the use of water soluble polymers allows creating a composite structure of cell walls in gas concrete which manifests a high dynamic strength. Определяющим морозостойкость ячеистых бетонов, является их оптимальная структура, количество воды, удерживаемой в порах бетона, форма связи воды с материалом и температура ее замерзания. Изменением поровой структуры модифицированием, то есть приданием материалу гидрофобных свойств, можно влиять на морозостойкость ячеистого бетона. Изменение относительной влажности окружающего воздуха в сочетании с колебаниями температуры приводит к «расшатыванию» структуры цементного камня и образованию трещин, что также повышает количество различных пор и, следовательно, увеличивает водопоглощение ячеистого бетона. Поэтому проведены исследования для выявления влияния структуры модифицированного ячеистого бетона на его морозостойкость. Морозостойкость ячеистых бетонов традиционного и композиционного (средняя плотность 600 кг/м3)

Коэффициент размягчения
Структура стенок ячеек композиционного газобетона
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