
Language processing relies on a left-lateralized fronto-temporal brain network. How this network emerges ontogenetically remains debated. We asked whether frontal language areas emerge in the absence of temporal language areas through a ‘deep-data’ investigation of an individual (EG) born without her left temporal lobe. Using fMRI methods that have been validated to elicit reliable individual-level responses, we find that—as expected for early left-hemisphere damage—EG has a fully functional language network in her right hemisphere (comparable to the LH network in n = 145 controls) and intact linguistic abilities. However, we detect no response to language in EG's left frontal lobe (replicated across two sessions, 3 years apart). Another network—the multiple demand network—is robustly present in frontal lobes bilaterally, suggesting that EG's left frontal cortex can support non-linguistic cognition. The existence of temporal language areas therefore appears to be a prerequisite for the emergence of the frontal language areas.

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