
This article is devoted to the study of the history of the period of independence of higher musical education in Uzbekistan. It summarizes the implementation of the first days of independence of fundamental reforms in all spheres of life in Uzbekistan, including education, in particular, in the system of music education, as well as the adoption of decrees and resolutions related to the field, the changes that have occurred in the field of music, and successes other.
 Along with this, the peoples of the world are currently carrying out serious activities to study, promote their culture and spirituality, carefully preserve and develop their rich traditions, establish creative cooperation, organize international festivals, scientific and practical conferences, conduct research, in this regard, a special place For the development of the sphere, the system of higher musical education is of great importance.
 The article highlights information about the establishment in the system of higher musical education of teaching music education, training at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, the State Institute of Arts and Culture, at some regional pedagogical institutes, state universities, and about their achievements.
 It was analyzed that the opening of the pop art faculty, the development of jazz art at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, the teaching of new academic disciplines based on the requirements of our time is important. In particular, in universities and higher educational institutions of the pedagogical direction, carrying out their activities in the regions of the republic, a number of cases are being carried out to prepare specialists in musical art, which is examined by the example of the music departments of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Bukhara State University and Karshi State University.
 Thus, it is analyzed that from the first years of independence, the attitude towards national identity, spiritual heritage, traditional values, the Uzbek national musical heritage, music education and training, the implementation of large-scale reforms in recent years to widely familiarize the world community with our rich spiritual heritage at the international level, special attention paid to the faculty, training talent s staff in higher music education.

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