
This paper further generalizes the modelling framework for contextuality based quantum teleportation to n-dimensional quantum states, or n-qudits (quantum odd-prime based units) which holds considerable promise for even higher mathematical abstraction. The proposed generalization extends the two states in the qubit model, to n states and this n could tend towards infinity. We are heading towards point-sized loops or fine-grained particles of nature, which have been rejected out of hand by string theorists. It is not physical reality when measured from the sense of Planck’s length of 10−35 metres, but finer-grained particles than Planck’s length 10−35 metres may exist, although, they are not matter anymore. We argue that why stop at degree of freedom of three, but instead pursue quantum odd-prime based units with higher degree n such as 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and so on till nth degree of freedom even tending to infinity. String theorists admit its multiple landscapes with higher degrees of freedom which points its uniqueness both for particles finer than 10−35 metres as well as distances greater than 1010 light years. Modern research by physicists and mathematicians including Roger Penrose, Max Tegmark, Nick Bostrom and Herbert Bernstein provides scientific basis to this work.

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