
THE sword types of the Middle Ages proper are not numerous. They are assembled chiefly about two main types: the sword with the brazil-nutshaped pommel and the sword with the disc-or wheel pommel . In both main groups there are numerous variations olf the pommel forms, with a certain amount of typological sequence, intermediate forms and special forms.


  • The sword with the braazz,iul-nut pommel and the horizontalqquuHiIlloons dates to the pieerriiod between 99'50-11225500, more especially in the l1'22tthh,cceennttury

  • In MMaannttoovvaa we find the ducal fammiillyy of the GGoonnzzaaggaass, in VVeerroonnaa thee family of the SScceaulaass

  • There can be no question off definitee delimitations in the Latin world, foorr which reason we find noble Italian goldsmith's work on Spanisshh swwoorrddss, Zaragozan goldsmith's work en Roman swords)

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Ada Bruhn Hoffmeyer

FROM MMEDIAEVAL SWORD TO RENAISSANCEE RAPIER by DDrr. Ada Brruhn HHoflffmfmeeyyeerr. The sword with the braazz,iul-nut pommel and the horizontalqquuHiIlloons dates to the pieerriiod between 99'50-11225500,, more especially in the l1'22tthh ,cceennttury. Letteerrss and ornamennttss Oon thee swwoorrdd blades have cclloossee ppa~raarlaldeleslsin the manuascrriilppt illuminations oof thosee times anndd sommeettiimmeess can be ddaatteedd bby meeaannss oof ccoommppaarriissoonnss with datteedd mmaannuussccrripts. TThhee hilt iss wweelll proportioned, with aa chhaarraasstteerriissttiicc ssaaddddllee--sshhaappeedd pommmmeel, short ggrriipp,, band-sshhaappeedd qquuii-lIlonnss ccuurrvveedd on thhee unnddeerrssiiddee,, aa fcarrmm too be sseeeenn mostly inn the sswwoorrdd material oof the Latin landdss TThhee 1122tthh anndd 1133tthh cceentury trifoil pommmeel soommeettiimmeess ooccccuurs oonn ccrruusader's sswwoorrddss,, wwith thhee leavelss mmooreover ddeeccoorraatteedd inn varriiee·ggaatteedd ennaammeellss TThhiiss typee oof pommmmeel iiss too bbee ffoouunndd inn SSppaann:isshh ppaaiinnttiinnggss aass laattee aass thhee eenndd oof 1155tthh anndd thhee bbeeginning oof 1166tthh cceenn-tuurryy

CCoommiinngg oof thhee KKnniigghhttllyy SSwwoorrdd
TThhee bbiirrth oof RReennaaiissssance
From sword to rapier
Beforee turning to the furtherr evolution from sword to rapier
SSCcieienntitfiifcic fefnencicningg
Renaaissance ornamentation
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