
It has recently been shown that local primordial non-Gaussianities (PNG) with significant amplitude (|f NL| ∼ 1000), at small (Mpc) scales, can help in forming simulated galaxies with more disky baryonic kinematics than in the Gaussian case, while generating matter power spectra that can differ by up to 20% from the Gaussian case at non-linear scales. Here, we explore in detail the consequences of such small-scale PNG on the dark matter halo profiles. We show in particular that, for negative f NL, dark matter halos formed in collisionless simulations are not always well described by the traditional Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profiles, as supported by their sparsity distribution. We conclude that NFW profiles are not as clear attractors for the density profiles of dark matter halos in the presence of PNG than in the case of a Gaussian contrast density field. We show how alternatives to the NFW profile can describe halos both in the Gaussian and non-Gaussian cases. From the combination of our sparsity analysis and the quality of the adjustments of the density profiles with a minimal extension to NFW, we conclude that z = 1 halos carry the most interesting information about PNG.

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