
Purpose: According to “Global Statshot Report” indicating 4.65 billion Social Media (SM) consumers in Oct 2021, its numbers present almost 57.6 percent of the world population. SM scrolling, video calling texting, browsing on Google, and other internet surfing are causing numerous health issues like headache, earache, neck pain, tinnitus, painful fingers, fatigue, eye symptoms, morning temporary state, restlessness, and sleep disturbances developed in users. With this concept, this study aims to find out the association of SM effects on student’s physical health and cognitive skills. Excessive use of SM causes negative effects on both cognitive skills and physical health.
 Methodology: This analytical cross-sectional study has been conducted at Indus University of Health and Science, Korangi Crossing, Karachi over 01-year timeline (Feb 2021 to Jan 2022). The sample size of 167-170 was targeted on both male and female age group (16 to 35) who were active user of social media and electronic gadgets Any discipline (nursing, allied health, biosciences, medical technology, etc.) enrolled in this study. Any person with a mental and physical disorder or under psychological therapy was excluded beforehand.
 Findings: Excessive use of SM affects cognitive skills, Forgetfulness, Distractibility and False Triggering mean score was high in the second group of high users. Statistical associations were found between Forgetfulness and Distractibility in both groups.
 Recommendations: This study will provide awareness to students and society regarding the negative effects of SM on health.

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