
Howard W. Polsky, Ph.D., is Professor of Social Science and Research, Co lumbia University School of Social YVork, New York, New York. Scarcely a week passes nowadays tual accomplishments. Occasionally, without a new book on management the claque will voice disagreement with being published. These books contain the leadership to maintain its credibil handsome pictures and well-organized ity among other members of the or contents, and they vary in format from ganization. thick readers to self-contained, proModes of adaptation falling within grammed exercises. Despite their glossy the category of the claque range from exteriors and their authors' seeming exthat of the retinue to that of the pertise, these volumes fail to describe commando. Individuals in a retinue the predominant reality of organizahave little influence in the organization tional life: counterorganizational subbut dutifully carry out irksome tasks groups abound in modern organizathat are important in maintaining the lions. Because they fail to deal with system. Commandos, on the other this significant issue, many of these hand, are much more forceful. They books seem repetitive and irrelevant, are vehemently loyal to the organiza Organizational subgroups represent tion or its leadership and actively the various adaptations made by indilobby among the organization's mem viduals to organizational systems. The bers to bring them over to the loyal author has identified the following ist side. subgroups that are observable on the The rewards for the members of a administrative and professional level in claque are generous and substantial, organizations: claques, loyalists, funcTheir most important need is for se tionaries, cliques, cabals, and factions, curity, and it is amply satisfied. They These groups are emotionally comare loved by their leadership. As inside mitted in varying degrees to the ordopesters, they know what is going on ganizations of which they are a part, within the organization and gain grati and a comprehensive scheme for clasfication through involvement in the sifying them on the basis of their supvarious intrigues that abound. They port or opposition to organizational frequently receive appointments to all procedures and goals is depicted in kinds of conferences, projects, and Table 1. This scheme is similar to the meetings that fill up their parochial paradigm devised by Merton to explain careers. However, as domestic mer patterns of adaption.1 cenaries who have sold their souls for a mess of organizational pottage, they are gossiped about incessantly by those CLAQUES jn cjjques ancj others who are dis Those belonging to a claque are affected, strongly committed to their organiza tion and its leadership and are easily recognizable. They frequently under take onerous assignments ranging from In general, loyalists are the orga writing up the minutes of a meeting to nization's solid citizens. They main preparing obligatory reports and protain a balance and a sense of humor tocols for authorities external to the about the organization and their role organization. They also willingly take within it. Basically, they have made on assignments, such as committees their peace with the system and pro and task forces, whose importance, duce what it requires. Believing in an although touted, is questionable. The honest dollar for an honest day's work, members of a claque are a key source they are only slightly cynical about the of information for the organization's possibility of any significant organiza leadership regarding its members, and tional change taking place. Essentially, they keep these leaders informed about they feel that they are not appreciated potential divisiveness. In addition, they for their true worth as the backbone of quell and neutralize opposition. They the organization. Their role is not to are serious, optimistic, and positive challenge organizational methods or about the organization's achievements goals but to do the best possible job and see little disparity between its within the organizational constraints stated goals and intentions and its acthat are operative. They are often LOYALISTS

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